SiteOne is proud to announce the introduction of a new low-odor formulation of LESCO Three-Way: LESCO Three-Way LO, now available in-branch and online.
LESCO Three-Way LO offers selective control of a wide variety of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds in both cool and warm season grasses, with the added benefit of having a much more discreet odor profile. This is a great option for broadleaf control in sensitive, high traffic areas for both residential and commercial customers in locations such as parks, golf courses, cemeteries, sports fields, sod farms, rights-of-ways, and more.
The low odor characteristics and product efficacy of LESCO Three-Way LO have been researched in university trials by Virginia Tech, Michigan State University, and NC State University. LESCO Three-Way LO offers flexible application rates, so it can be tank mixed with liquid fertilizers or liquid iron materials.*
Learn more about LESCO Three-Way LO on
Weeds Controlled by LESCO Three-Way LO
Bedstraw | Knotweed | Ragweed |
Black Medic | Lambsquarters | Sheep Sorrel |
Buckhorn | Lespedeza | Shepardspurse |
Chicory | Mallow | Speedwell |
Chickweed | Morning Glory | Spurge |
Clover | Peppergrass | Wild Carrot |
Dandelion | Pigweed | Wild Garlic |
Dock | Plantain | Wild Lettuce |
Ground Ivy | Poison Ivy | Wild Onion |
Heal-All | Poison Oak | Yarrow |
Henbit | Purslane | and More... |
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For over 60+ years, LESCO has been committed to developing innovative agronomic solutions. See more at or stop by your local SiteOne branch to speak with our associates about any products or business solutions you may need for your business.
*Refer to label for fertilizer tank mix compatibility.