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Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Green industry professionals can lower advertising and marketing costs raise prices and grow their business with a successful word-of-mouth marketing program.

August 15, 2021

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Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Marketing effectiveness builds over time. Being in the market with a consistent and dependable message, while delivering superior service and a dependable product, will generate a new business referral for your company. Word-of-mouth marketing is the best referral you can get. You can dramatically lower your advertising and marketing costs, raise your prices and help your business grow by building a successful word-of-mouth marketing program into your business.

To improve your company's word-of-mouth marketing program, gain a stronger grasp on the transactional costs your business incurs to generate a referral. Review the hidden costs your current accounting system might not be measuring. For example:

  • The time spent patiently explaining to your customer how their new system works
  • The time spent sweeping the walk and leaving the job-site litter free and cleaner than when you arrived
  • The follow-up phone call a week later to ask the customer if their system is working to their satisfaction
  • Revisiting the job site because your customer tinkered with a sprinkler head or controller
  • Keeping in touch with your customers for start-ups and winterizations so they remember who you are
  • Calling back three months later to insure customer satisfaction
  • Having clean and well-kept trucks
  • Sending thank you notes to customers
  • Sending follow-up customer satisfaction surveys
  • Making sure you and your crews wear professional apparel