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    Alpharetta Y Cerca
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    • Alpharetta GA #1043 - 4.9 millas
    • Cumming GA #1012 - 5.4 millas
    • Cumming GA #1045 - 5.5 millas
    • Buford GA #57 - 11.0 millas
    • Atlanta GA #454 - 12.3 millas
    • Marietta GA #19 - 20.7 millas
    • Marietta GA #1041 - 20.7 millas
    • Woodstock GA #1042 - 22.5 millas
    • Kennesaw GA #673 - 23.1 millas
    • Marietta GA #177 - 23.1 millas
    • Kennesaw GA #173 - 24.3 millas
    • Conyers GA #742 - 31.3 millas
    • McDonough GA #50 - 43.8 millas
    • Tyrone GA #612 - 50.8 millas
    • Eatonton GA #1019 - 69.3 millas
    • Eatonton GA #1143 - 71.9 millas
    • Ooltewah TN #198 - 85.3 millas
    • Macon GA #176 - 88.9 millas

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Atlanta GA #454
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Kennesaw GA #673
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Seed & Fertilizer Spreader Devices

Every landscaper needs at least one good spreader. These tools allow you to put down seeds, fertilizers and even rock salt with more speed and accuracy than doing so manually. SiteOne Landscape Supply has dozens of lawn spreader devices along with parts and accessories to help client lawns flourish.

Push/Broadcast Spreaders vs. Handheld Spreaders

The push broadcast spreader and handheld spreader are the two most common designs. Here’s a quick overview of each:
  • Broadcast spreaders use a mechanism to distribute seeds and granules in an even spread. Handheld spreaders have a manual crank to disperse products.
  • The push-style grass seed spreader is excellent for covering large open areas. You’ll spend less time and energy while having some adjustability.
  • A handheld fertilizer spreader is best for small areas. It’s more portable, and you have more precision for working in and around flower beds.
    We also offer hydro seed tow-behind spreaders and electric spreaders so you can get the right device.

    How to Choose the Right Spreader for Your Landscape Crew

    The push broadcast spreader and handheld spreader are the two most common designs. Here’s a quick overview of each:
  • Make sure the spreader is a good match for the types of grass and fertilizers you’ll be working with.
  • Look at the spreader capacity and the lawn sizes you’re treating. You want to refill as few times as possible without the machine being too bulky for the space
  • Order a reputable brand. Our spreaders by LESCO, Scotts, Chapin, EarthWay and other brands are known for their high quality.

    Our experts also are available by phone, Monday-Friday. Call us for additional tips to help you choose the best fertilizer spreader.

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