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Mejora el Riego Inteligente con Tecnologías de Pulverización

Las opciones de cabezales de pulverización actuales generalmente incluyen configuraciones de alta eficiencia como reguladores de presión, dispositivos de restricción de flujo y válvulas de retención.

7 de diciembre de 2022

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Enhancing Smart Irrigation Through Spray Technology


Photo courtesy of Hunter Industies

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as much as 50% of the water used for outdoor irrigation is wasted due to inefficient watering methods and systems. Statistics like these along with stricter local watering regulations and increased demands on water supply reiterate the importance of understanding your irrigation options especially when it comes to spray heads.

Updated spray head offerings typically include high efficiency features such as pressure regulators flow restriction devices and check valves. Read on for a description of these important components and the benefits for customers who elect new systems to make their existing irrigation systems more efficient.

Pressure Regulators

Pressure regulators are helpful on sites with high water pressure or those on a downward slope. These components typically reduce water pressure to 30psi which can result in as much as a 30% water savings.

Flow Restriction Devices

Found inside of high efficiency spray heads these devices reduce the flow rate to the riser or completely shut off the water if a nozzle is broken or missing. Some flow restriction devices even have the ability to generate a tall indicator stream if a nozzle is compromised increasing the chance of a timely repair and reducing the amount of water leaked.

Check Valves:

Similar to pressure regulators check valves are useful on sloped sites or those prone to draining out. In areas of elevation change these devices keep water flowing the way the system design intended. Depending on the degree of slope check valves can produce as much as 20 gallons of water savings per minute.

Each year The Irrigation Association hosts Smart Irrigation Month to educate professionals and consumers about the many benefits of efficient irrigation technologies products and services in the green industry. Follow along with SiteOne on social media or sign up for our email list for the latest irrigation products trends and tips under the hashtag #SmartIrrigationMonth. You can also ask an associate about upcoming irrigation SiteOne Universities for more new tool training.

This post was curated from Sarah Webb’s “Spray Smarts:  A Look at Sprayhead Trends&rdqrdquo;.  Visit the Landscape Management website to view the full article.