Specialty and Organic Fertilizers
Although you may be able to get most of your landscaping work done with two or three primary fertilizers, there are times you need something more specific. Whether to feed certain plants, comply with local mandates or satisfy a customer request, our special-purpose fertilizers deliver the correct nutrients. You can find products like CarbonPro-G, CarbonPro-L, Green Technologies or Lebanon Healthy Start fertilizer to jump-start and encourage tree root growth. We’ve sought out every NPK ratio and nutrient blend imaginable so landscapes are getting exactly what’s optimal.
This department is also where you’ll find organic fertilizer in bulk. This fertilizer uses compost, food processing scraps and other natural sources with no chemicals that can negatively impact people, pets or the local ecosystem. Our staff is well-versed in fertilizers and will assist anyone who’s looking for a rare fertilizer type. Shop for brands such as LESCO, Espoma, GreenEdge, Sustane and Nutrients Plus with local in-branch pickup of online orders.
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