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    Alpharetta Y Cerca
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    • Alpharetta GA #1043 - 4.9 millas
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    • Atlanta GA #454 - 12.3 millas
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    • Marietta GA #1041 - 20.7 millas
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    • McDonough GA #50 - 43.8 millas
    • Tyrone GA #612 - 50.8 millas
    • Eatonton GA #1019 - 69.3 millas
    • Eatonton GA #1143 - 71.9 millas
    • Ooltewah TN #198 - 85.3 millas
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Miticide Pest Control

Mites have a biological makeup unlike most landscape insects, and many common insecticides won’t work on them. As such, you’ll need a separate pest control program to stop these predator arachnids Citrus Red Mite, European Red Mite, Lewis Spider Mite, Pacific Spider Mite, Southern Red Mite, Spruce Spider Mite, Twospotted Spider Mite, from spoiling plants and harming animals. Use commercial miticides from SiteOne Landscape Supply to dispose of mites and leaf miners. Browse all the leading mite pesticide brands with bulk ordering online for pickup at the nearest branch.

Many types of miticides are available for adult mites, larvae and eggs. In addition to traditional miticide spray and granular formulas that treat soils and surfaces, we have systemic miticide that is absorbed directly by the plants, meaning any mite attempting to feed on them will be poisoned. Some miticides also work as fungicides for double the protection.

If you don’t know which miticide will work best on the mites in your area, give SiteOne Landscape Supply a call. With decades of landscaping experience, we understand mite control and how to successfully eradicate them.

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